Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tonsillectomy Chronicles Day 15

I skipped alot of days I know. Christmas and the holidays kept me busy. Not busy enough to take my mind off the nagging pain in the back of my throat but good enough. It's definitely been better than the first week of ice picking and throat stabbing pain. It all seems to go in stages. The throat feels better but the ears hurt. The ears will feel a little better but the head hurts and well, you get the point. I felt decent around Christmas like I said and was able to eat quite a bit. I'm still eating almost normal but with caution. I think I got too excited with eating and over did it so I backed away from the Indian Tacos after the first one! I have finally made it to the day of my follow up appointment. (I thought it would never come!) It's tomorrow morning and guess what?? I have snow piling up all around me! It figures. I'm just curious about how I'm doing and if it is, in fact, okay to eat normally now. That aside, the weather is amazing...as long as I stay inside! The cold air pierces through my ears and straight to my throat! Yuck!

Two weeks later and I will say that looking back it probably was the worst surgery recovery I have ever had to deal with. I can at least sleep all night now without the excrutiating pain. It hurts when I wake up but nothing like before. According to others, I've done very well comparitively so definitely thankful for prayers, research on the internet and of course, my husband for taking care of me while I was down all the while playing "mom" to the kids. Now on to my house. I am starting to see a path at least from my room to the kitchen. Mom and I have shoveled trash from kids' rooms only to have them pile back up with new toys. So, my PRE-New Year's Resolution will be to get this place back to normal...whatever that is. I hear it takes a few months to feel normal again but I can handle what I feel now especially once I can breathe! Never knew how much your sinuses were intertwined in all of this either!

One thing I absolutely can't give up is my game shows. Deal or No Deal is on now. Howie is calling my name!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We finally went to have some pictures done for my mom this past week for Christmas. It is just me and my sister and we are both done having children so my mom has been wanting pictures of all of us. I also wanted some with my sister as well. Now I'm just hoping she won't read my blog before Friday!

I left off the big one of both of our families combined in case she does take a look. I won't put it past her!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Same song different verse...Day 8

I keep waiting to wake up one morning and be pain free and just wowed! Apparently that's how it happens. Not today. Not for me at least. Good news is that by the afternoon I'm doing ok or at least functioning! Mom is gracious enough to come over tonight to help me clean my house while my mother in law has the kids for the day and night since Bart's at work. I didn't get to really do much with my mom to celebrate her birthday so it's too bad we can't have dinner together. Unless we went to a place like Souper Jell-O. I woke up in so much pain this morning and it was just killing me to get the kids fed and wait on Bart's mom! Then it got better as I started drinking water. I'm hoping that part is better by Thursday because that is our Christmas with the kids and with Bart's family so I really don't want to be sickly and lying around or holding my ears for dear life as the kids open their presents. Try to turn agonized face into excited. I can really see that!

Seriously, I am about to wrap some presents and try to do something productive. Not to worry, I don't want to overdue anything. Oh and I actually ate mac and cheese for lunch!! How exciting!!

One last thought...if anyone has NOT seen Julie and Julia, it's a great movie. It's inspiring me to take on some kind of blog accomplishment. I don't like to cook though. Bake..yes. Maybe it will be Mandie and Betty.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Tonsillectomy Chronicles Days 6&7

Yesterday was sooo not good. This recovery is like a rollercoaster. You never know how you are going to feel one day to the next. I was going to go to a family Christmas with Bart and the kids last night but as I was going to my mom's to get ready, I started feeling blah and Reese was sick so we stayed with Mom. Mom made some homeade potato soup, which I usually LOVE, but anything with salt in it burns my mouth these days like Dante's Inferno. My whole mouth will start hurting and then I can't get anything down. So frustrated! The first couple of days, I was drinking water and eating popsicles and now I can't even drink water! My afternoons and evenings are the best but my nights are still, well, nightmarish!! Christmas is now only a few days away. Bart goes back to work tomorrow. Luckily the kids will be with my mother in law tomorrow for most of the day. I still have to finish shopping and wrapping! I keep telling myself the good thing is, I did this in between semesters and before insurance change. I will make it through the holidays. I will. Er..I'm sure I will. Surely.

So I'm still able to get you caught up on game shows. I know the complete schedule now! I also know all the celeb gossip thanks to the E! channel being right below the Game Show Network. One word of advice to the folks at E!. You can't beat a dead horse. Tiger Woods being said horse.

I have also become addicted to reading other posts about recovering from tonsillectomies etc. Seems I still have a ways to go. And WOW! I must not have it to bad. No trips back to the ER etc. No bleeds. (hope I'm not jinxing myself) I am afraid of dehydration at this point since I haven't been able to drink as much but I am trying to at least get jell-o down since it just glides on down the throat and it is considered fluid! Whoop!

I missed getting to have Happy Birthday Jesus with our class on Sunday. Thinking I may still do a late party. I feel like I'm having to miss out on alot of the Christmas festivities anyways. I'm hoping to take the kids to the lights maybe Wednesday since that is our Christmas Eve. Santa is coming a day early since daddy works on Christmas Day and all. I've already booked a room at the Nana Inn for Christmas night for all of us! =) We will be eating dinner and doing Christmas over there with her and my sister anyways so it will be nice to just curl up and go to bed and have her help. She has also been a lifesaver coming over to help clean up around my house. It's been quite awful.

Well, Lingo is on and its time for me to try and D-R-I-N-K and rest some more.
Thanks for the prayers and please continue to pray for my "turnaround" to be soon! Like today or tomorrow!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tonsillectomy Chronicles Day 5

Today is not much different from yesterday other than the fact that I attempted to go WATCH basketball. Ross had two games this morning and they were big games for our team. No, I didn't try to coach. I stayed home during the first game and Bart texted me the details and we lost so of course, I had to make an appearance in the second thinking they must've lost because Coach Mandie wasn't there. I must've been crazy!! Everyone wanted to talk to me and ask me where I've been and/or how my recovery was going. Then, I realized I couldn't yell during the game when I realized they weren't where they should be on the court etc. I started hurting, realizing I had been talking too much. My ears were killing me! So after the game, I went back to my bed! Tomorrow we have a big day planned with birthday parties and family Christmas parties so I'm hoping I feel up to it and didn't overdue it today. I am already giving up my Happy Birthday Jesus party at church with the kids in Sunday School since I can't talk and I rely on Bart too much!

I decided to come hang out on the couch to watch the Cowboys/Saints game tonight. Watching Bart eating left over enchiladas was a pain but what was worse than that was watching Reese throw up all over the floor. I sure hope she is not getting sick. I am sure it has NOTHING to do with the fact that she probably hasn't eaten a real meal since I've been down. I know she had a honey bun this morning and I'm pretty sure she has drank all the egg nog she can hold the last few days. The thought of regurgitated egg nog is making my stomach sick so this is all I have for day 5.

Note to self- Next time I have to have surgery (which I hope is years), make sure I plan out all the meals for the week(s) so that all Bart has to do is pop it in the oven or microwave.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Tonsillectomy Chronicles Day 4

I know, I know..I'm starting out on day 4 instead of 1. If I would've had the energy to write during days 1-3, I most certainly would have! So far, recovering from an adult tonsillectomy is much like what I've read and also NOTHING what I expected. I have had so many strep throat experiences my whole life that I thought I could deal with the soreness and the inability to swallow comfortably. Holy cow! I was not expecting to feel like someone was stabbing my throat with a few sharp steak knives! On day 1, I did just as I had read and kept drinking the water and eating the jell-O. I felt I was doing well considering many of the blogs I have read showed that some couldn't even get the water down. I was good snuggled in my bed watching my game show network all day. That Carnie Wilson is a hoot on The Newlywed Game! Oh and I now know the names of every single Deal or No Deal model. I had read not to sleep too long and boy was that right. If you sleep longer than 5 minutes, you will regret it! You have to choke down some water on a throat that is as dry as the Mohave Desert and start over. You really don't think about the fact that your sinuses are all messed up too and you just can't breathe out of your nose. So, you are left to sleep with your mouth gaping open, drool coming out and all the while just drying up all the work you've done up until naptime. So, I figured that out. If I started to drift off, I would feel the pain set in and wake up pretty quick to down the water. That pretty much sums up my first two days. The dreaded day 3 came and everyone was right about it being bad. The ear pain sets in. Well, nobody said that day 3 was a set up for flippin' day 4!! I decided to go ahead and dope up and try to sleep through some of the ear pain. It was way too bad. Oh and note to self: don't eat anything salty. Bart made me some yummy thinned down mashed potatoes with chicken broth. Tasted really really good until the salt settled in to every single open wound I had in my mouth. Holy guacamole. One thing I've learned that I love is rice pudding!! Feels so good on my throat and is equally yummy. It seems to hurt worse when you eat but I know I need to keep eating to feel better so I try and push through that.

Day 4- Thankful for my husband for taking care of me these last few days as well as my kids. Get this- they have actually been relatively quiet! They come in to ask if I need anything and take away any jell-o or pudding containers etc. I sure hope I don't ruin Christmas by still being sickly! I've been worried about that.

Oh and Bart sent Reese to school in a princess play costume one day. I'm glad the teachers know I'm out of commission. I bet that was a good laugh.

One last thing for day 4- Thanks to my friends that have brought me goodies. I know I can't eat much so thanks for thinking about me and hooking me up. You know who you are!
I'm going to try to go to the game tomorrow. We have a double header. It's funny that I'm even typing that because I haven't even been able to make it to the kitchen and back to bed much so we'll keep our fingers crossed.